Collecting is a universal human endeavor. Humans of past epochs were called "hunter- gatherers." Men, for the most part, were the hunters and women were the gatherers. Eventually women started planting seeds in one place (agriculture) so they would not have to travel so far to gather food. I have often confessed to being a collector in my blog posts. Today I am writing about stockpiling because I was inspired by the following post, by one of my long-time favorite bloggers. She wrote this at Hoarded Ordinaries (6/4/08) - "Stockpiling" by Lorianne DiSabato. (One of her lovely pictures graces today's post). To quote:
What I’m describing here is something of a personal conundrum. On the one hand, I insist on taking pictures without knowing exactly when or how I’ll use them, and I save these pictures rather than methodically tossing them. On the other hand, I’m hesitant to post archival images except in moments of blog-duress, when I’m desperate for something to share. If I were indeed hoarding canned goods, I’d be in the perilous predicament of saving up food I can’t by ethical precept actually eat, like a vegetarian stockpiling cans of beef stew. In such a scenario, how can you ever actually dig your way through your own accumulative impulses?
Statistics from my Site Meter -- are the bits of information I collect about the outcomes of my writing a blog. For example, I have received 19,086 visits to this website, as of 6/8/08. Today I'll do a little reflection on what they mean to me because this is my 1,000 post at South by Southwest. Indulge me a bit. Posts of most recent interest to my readers were these (not in any particular order):
- "Intersecting paths," spotlights great bloggers, mostly women writers to whom I have returned over time. I explored what drew me to the blogs.
- "Monday digested," is about the difficulty of achieving full governmental and public support for the space program. In addition to being a "space junkie," I am also an avid public affairs TV fan.
- "Confessions of a C-SPAN junkie," is on why I watch so much of their cable channels. The broadcasts are primarily House and Senate sessions, but also feature "Oh, so much more!" good stuff.
- "Will leaders in Congress please stand up," is looking at what the lack of congressional leadership on issues does to public opinion; unfortunately C-SPAN reveals a great deal of Congress' failures to lead.
- "Leadership qualities," a primer on the subject, discussed leadership theory and has been a post favorite for years. People in the blogosphere -- and in general, I believe -- are hungry for political leadership and want to learn how to make the best choices as voters.
- "America's best leaders," for the year 2005, was an early post in the same vein. The list came from U.S. News and World Report, who does this feature annually.
- "Leadership and women's roles," spotlights female political leaders. These days, Hillary Clinton's magnificent leadership as the second place finisher in the Democratic primaries, is the perfect illustration of this idea. She made me very proud on Saturday!
- "Texas women claims to fame," names in the news included such women as Molly Ivins, and the Dixie Chicks. I was not born in Texas, but I am a Texas woman by choice. I will never be famous; I am but a "little blogger."
- "Living in the Southwest," by my experience has been wonderful and difficult. Too many Republicans and tornadoes make it hard, but my home town and its hospitable people make it lovely.
- "Checks and balances -- Rep. Reyes hearings," focused on Intelligence committee oversight hearings on renewing the Protect America Act. Committee Chairman, Democratic Rep. Sylvestre Reyes, is my neighbor from south Texas.
- "False claims and flip-flops," by Bush and McCain illustrate why Republican men from the southwest states of Texas and Arizona make my political life such a challenge. They, and their like have given me cause to write every day of the week since March of 2005.
- "Facts of Iraq," regarding current realities on the ground in the war that never seems to end with so many facts that are denied.
- "War and profit in a high tech world," looks at war profiteering and oligarchy, the partnership between the current administration and corporate America that leaves the rest of us out.
- "Where is the middle ground?" observes the Bush administration's pattern of over-reacting, particularly since the terrorist attacks 9/11/01. One of the ways Barack Obama won the Democratic nomination was by emphasizing his wish to find middle ground with opponents. Americans are hungry for more reconciliation and less conflict, I think.
- "Not enough people free at last," about hostage-taking and kidnapping. This post was inspired by Martin Luther King's "Free at Last" speech.
Stockpiling can be a virtue or a vice, depending on whether the balance of "enough" is achieved. Senator Clinton stockpiled a majority of the popular votes from primaries to have won the nomination. But convention delegates were the measure of winning. This week Democrats can begin to stockpile voters for Senator Obama. And the measure in November will be electors, again not the popular vote count. "Enough" is tough, but achievable, it is my hope.
View my current slide show about the Bush years -- "Millennium" -- at the bottom of this column.
(Cross-posted at The Reaction.)
My “creativity and dreaming” post today is at Making Good Mondays.
Technorati tags: politics republicans democrats 2008 election blogosphere blogging blogiversary
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