Welcome to my new webpage. I have made the leap to a Betablogger-style blog. It has been relatively easy and painfree, though there were moments when I thought I had "blown it" forever.
Because I learn by trial and error, I often stumbled around, thought I chad crashed the entire thing, rebooted, only to find everything I had produced was safe and available once again. If you use blogger and have not yet migrated, when you do you will probably be pleasantly surprised.
Sharing some thoughts -
- I should tell you that I had already done a new sample blog some weeks ago, jut to play with it without any real risk. That helped a great deal. It also helps to know that I can go back to the original classic page if I want. My browser is Mozilla Firefox, also a relatively new toy for me. I am feeling really upscale these days.
- The other thing I did made it much quicker and easier to rebuild my new site from the old after most of it went away in the transition. Before upgrading my template, I saved a copy of the old template to Word. To recover specific pieces of my site, such as the del.icio.us list, I then used the edit functions of copy and past to enter the old code into the html element of the page design tool. I just put it together like you would a quilt, moving the elements around until it had the graphic quality I wanted.
- Next I am going to go back and label my old posts. And I will try out some of the new page design elements to add things such as plain text, links lists, etc. Some of the possibilities are getting my creative side quite interested.
What to you think? Any feedback comments will be welcome.
Tags: blogging betablogger web2.0 blog blogs diary google internet journal technology weblog
My "creative post" today at Southwest Blogger is about collections of old stuff.
i have been contemplating. maybe after the elections. :) right now i am more concerned with my words. i really am intrigued by the technology and layouts. i will be back to refer to this post i am sure should i decide to switch.
B: you are absolutely right that the words should be the main concern. More technology intrigue at one of my recent posts: collecting new stuff
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