
S/SW blog philosophy -

I credit favorite writers and public opinion makers.

A lifelong Democrat, my comments on Congress, the judiciary and the presidency are regular features.

My observations and commentary are on people and events in politics that affect the USA or the rest of the world, and stand for the interests of peace, security and justice.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Expanding on my "prospectus"

a preliminary printed statement that describes an enterprise (as a business or publication), and that is distributed to prospective buyers, investors or participants (definition from Webster's Dictionary).
Perhaps you've read the paragraph below my blog title, South by Southwest: "From my current vantage point: reflections, the day’s thoughts, plus occasional impressions, questions and ideas. I'll credit favorite writers and opinion makers, discuss things that bug me, and I'll comment on little lunacies characterizing current events. My bias is towards the Progressive end of the political spectrum. My view is grounded in the existential questions of finding meaning in suffering, maintaining purpose in life, and defending sanity in our occasionally insane world."
Because so much has happened in recent weeks, I want to revisit and expand those thoughts. You, my readers, signed on to my enterprise expecting certain things as you "buy" my blog, based on my "prospectus." Through the committment of your time and attention, like all discerning readers, you want value received on your investment.
From my current vantage point - I am seeing the world as very much
changed, though my personal world has changed only minimally. I have a bit less money due to a donation for hurricane relief. And my household is a little less cluttered because we took some items to a source who distributed them to evacuees.
Reflections, the day's thoughts, plus occasional impressions, questions and ideas - The last few posts seem to be full of this kind of writing. As in any personal journal writing, I have tried to be introspective, expressive of my true feelings, genuine and creative. In other words I have tried to figure out what is really going on here.
I'll credit favorite writers and opinion makers - I have found myself on my "regular route" each day, reading the blogs and news sites I enjoy and trust, to see if anyone sees the most recent "big thing" as I do. I also find out pretty quickly what has gone on that was not covered on television. I have not taken to time to notify those I should that I have linked to them, however, due to time constraints. I hope to get back to that soon. I do give credit where it is due in my comments on others' blogs, however.
I'll discuss things that bug me - There's certainly been an ample amount of that. I've reread some of my posts and realized that I have spent much time recently feeling aghast, furious, distraut or really confused. I would suspect some of my readers have also. Things that always bug me include lying, incompetence, insensitivity, complacency, defensiveness, projecting and stupidity.
I'll comment on the little lunacies characterizing current events -
well, of course! So what else is new? Is there anything else? Well, there is actually. In certain ways certain of the primary institutions of our nation seem to be coming to their senses. For instance MSM journalists on the ground got exorcised enough to uncensor themselves. Victims loudly protested. Some key leaders admitted their responsibility. Michael Brown was replaced. And first responders have honestly told their stories of descents into hell.
My bias is towards the Progressive end of the political spectrum - that means that I am in the minority, frustrated by a feeling of powerlessness, and wondering sometimes, "Where are our Democratic leaders?!" And I am truly biased. I can hardly watch or read about our current president (OCP), or some members of his administration, or right wing legislators, or my own Republican state officials. I am progressing, however, as I get more and more tuned it to Centrists. Some of our hopes must lie there.
My view is grounded in the existential questions - that stress the freedom and responsibility of the individual, the irreducable uniqueness of an ethical or religious situation, and the isolation and subjective experiences (like anxiety, guilt, dread and anguish) that I feel.
Finding meaning in suffering and maintaining my purpose in life - This seems like a tall order for a plain li'l ole blogger. I have worked hard at becoming more authentic during the several decades since I turned thirty, so writing must be a part of that journey.
Defending sanity in our occasionally insane world - Sanity for me in our current circumstances would be peace, not war; conversation, not confrontation; generosity, not merely being pecuniary; and compassion, not narcissism.

I hope that your stock in my enterprise is paying dividends.

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