
S/SW blog philosophy -

I credit favorite writers and public opinion makers.

A lifelong Democrat, my comments on Congress, the judiciary and the presidency are regular features.

My observations and commentary are on people and events in politics that affect the USA or the rest of the world, and stand for the interests of peace, security and justice.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

DeLay indictment

(this image is courtesy of Democracy for America)

Austin, Texas District Attorney, Ronnie Earl, through a Grand Jury, has indicted House Majority Leader, Tom DeLay on criminal conspiracy charges. Charges stem from allegations of political campaign money laundering of corporate campaign contributions. Two others were also indicted on this, the last day of the grand jury's term.

The stack grows taller:
Senate Majority Leader investigated for insider trading
Republican administration seen as full of "cronies"
President seems slow to care about Hurricane victims
P.S. Here is the actual indictment, thanks to Nancy's comment on Josh Marshall's post at TPMCafe.

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