
S/SW blog philosophy -

I credit favorite writers and public opinion makers.

A lifelong Democrat, my comments on Congress, the judiciary and the presidency are regular features.

My observations and commentary are on people and events in politics that affect the USA or the rest of the world, and stand for the interests of peace, security and justice.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

U. S. military deaths in Iraq

My Way News covers the statitistics on the loss of life in the Iraq war. In all of the breaking news right now, that is the one subject that is most important.
  • Progress towards adoption of the Iraq constitution will have an effect on that number.
  • Decisions of the BRAC Commission should be made with these life and death statistics in mind. As a matter of fact the panel over ruled some of the Pentagon's recommendations yesterday precisely because we are at war right now.
  • The future size of the force structure in Iraq could be changed to prepare for the upcoming referendum on the constitution; I hope the number of deaths and injuries to both Coalition and Iraqis persons enters into that decision.
  • And I hope President Bush can keep these statistics in his head as he makes his day to day decisions. The Houston Chronicle carries an editorial that poses a question raised by author E. L. Doctorow ("The Unfeeling President") about the President's capacity to do that. Food for thought?

1 comment:

Time Bandit said...

While I commend the Chron for running an opinion piece like this--especially for reaching back 11 months in order to run this piece--we need to keep in mind that no matter how tough my hometown newspaper might occasionally get on the president, come each November they manage to reliably endorse whatever right wing shmoe the Republicans put up for the top office. Clucking their tongues at the usual Republican shenanigans does not make up for consistantly working to put the same bunch of bozos back into office every four years.

a Brown Bag Blog