
S/SW blog philosophy -

I credit favorite writers and public opinion makers.

A lifelong Democrat, my comments on Congress, the judiciary and the presidency are regular features.

My observations and commentary are on people and events in politics that affect the USA or the rest of the world, and stand for the interests of peace, security and justice.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

The Web's response

The variety of approaches, taken by those who were posting early on 7/7/05 about the London bombings, is fascinating.
  • From the Left's perspective in Democratic Underground, "Brian_Expat" reported at 5:36 AM EST that he had decided not to go to work in London, probably saving his life. Brian reports almost in real thime that their cell phone system crashes. DU's "Mr. Skinner" then links to SkyNews at 6:58 AM ET. This thread subsequently locked at 233 responses. TomPaine linked to the Manchester Guardian in the Newsworthy section at 7:46 AM, and Patrick Doherty wrote a very thoughtful article entitled "Why London, Why Now?" at 11:42 AM in the site's opinion section. In tthe article he worries about the current administration and their adherents opting for a counter-productive ratcheting up of war as the US response. Doherty feels that we could make much smarter moves that would get at the root causes of terrorism.
  • From Texas Brown Bag Blog posted passionately about the terror in London at 6:48 Texas Time at about the same time as I was posting here that day. Iraqi in America included 3 very helpful updates from her contacts, along with her good interactive comments in her 10:10 AM post on the London blasts.
  • From the right, BuzzMachine by (pro-Iraq war) Jeff Jarvis posted blow-by-blow style with many links, giving a sense of immediacy. Evidently it brought up a bunch of his own internal "Stuff."
  • TPM Cafe's Josh Marshall posted at 9:52 AM EDT, which started many comments in that new blog community. There was such a high level of activity on the site throughout the day that JMM was forced to do some work on it to keep it functions. This was the case with many blogsites, I suspect.
A quick survey of my links revealed that some did not comment on the bombings that day, but probably taking some time to take it all in and gather their thoughts. That is what I am attempting to do via this little research exercise. I'll post again when I have my head more together. For now . . .I'm working to keep my own internal peace.

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