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I credit favorite writers and public opinion makers.

A lifelong Democrat, my comments on Congress, the judiciary and the presidency are regular features.

My observations and commentary are on people and events in politics that affect the USA or the rest of the world, and stand for the interests of peace, security and justice.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Health Care Reform: a work in progress for Congress

Congress is back in town this week. While they were away, however, the news and opinion resources I follow on Twitter have been busily posting on the issue of health care reform that currently dominates the legislative agenda.
But first -- Twitter posts, "tweets" are limited to 140 characters.  If you are not familiar with this great news resource, to begin, it can be a serious news site, depending upon whom you follow.  Second I recommend the site TweetDeck as a great way to organize your news gathering.  A couple of notes about the following news bullets:  RT = ReTweet (a repetition of an earlier post and a compliment to the originator).  All entries that begin with a hash mark (#), denote a Twitter search subject.  For example, #hcr stands for health care reform.  The phrase <@author's name> is who wrote a tweet/post.

Links to other articles begin with "http://. . . "  The posts are in chronological order:

Christopher Hayes* --chrislhayes Great RT @KimAbramson: will #HCR vary in how it's implemented State to State? #thebreakdown

Taegan Goddard -- pwire  Senate begins health care debate as new poll shows Americans "tilting against" the reform legislation...

Matt Yglesias -- mattyglesias RT @wonkroom: Even if lawmakers do not take a day off until Christmas, Senate has just 25 days to pass bill before year's end. #hcr

McClatchy Newspaper -- McClatchyDC  Congress poised to clash over national debt

John Dickerson -- jdickerson To get votes of Maine senators Harry Reid going to make "being flinty" a condition for which you get a $200 subsidy

Roll Call News -- rollcall GOP Rep: Health care bill's passage would be an '"internal" terrorist attack'

*chrislhayes $40b MORE per year than we're gonna spend on hc RT @marcambinder: DNI announces '09 intelligence budget: My unofficial total estimate: $130b

Karen Tumulty -- ktumulty best quote from interview i just did w john dingell: "insurance companies hate this like the devil hates holy water." #publicoption #hcr
In summary, public opinion ab out the need for reform has diminished.  Congress has less that one month of work days before year's end.  There is less and less of an appetite for government spending. The Intelligence budget is higher than HCR would be, however. Bipartisan support for reform is all but nonexistent.  Republicans and the health care industry are dead set in their blanket opposition.  So, we will see what happens.

[Post date November 30, 2009]

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