The Obama administration is setting a very rapid pace of governance. At times it is almost too big and too fast to take it all in or to oversee, though a highly regarded Inspector General will give it a good try. Some of the stimulus money is aready going to work as states get in line for project money.
In the President's address to Congress this week was a "big wish list" of promises to expand government. And, given the seriousness of the world's financial crisis, the size and terms of the new bank (bailout) stabilization program is breathtaking. Regulatory reform is already in the works, also. ProPublica estimates it could be $750 billion.
Health Care and the Federal Budget -- The idea is to expand health care coverage. President Obama will lay out 8 keys to the plan, according to Politico. To quote:
Ahead of the release of his budget Thursday, Obama has endorsed eight guiding principles for health reform, the White House officials said on the conference call. They stressed that they intend to work with lawmakers and other stakeholders on how to accomplish the goals, but the principles will lay down a marker for any congressional plan.
Other goals include maintaining choice of insurance and doctors, ensuring affordable coverage, protecting Americans financial health, investing in prevention and wellness, improving patient safety and quality of care and is fiscally responsible, sustainable and portable.
A tax hike on wealthy Americans will fund half of the cost of the health care plan. Surprisingly some consensus seems to be emerging as the opposite sides find common ground, CQ Politics reports.
In conclusion, we could have a worse set of problems. Few of us want to go back to the lethargic and ineffectual governance that characterized the previous administration. All we can do is get on board this new train and enjoy the ride.
- Obama address to Congress
- What he really meant, a translation by Politico.
- Budget analysis from Congressional Quarterly Politics.
- International Herald Tribune discussion of budget's transparency.
See also Behind the Links, for further info on this subject.
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Technorati tags: news news and politics politics economic crisis obama administration leadership
A big, bold set of plans for sure. But as the Chinese say, in each crisis there is opportunity. I hope we take advantage of this opportunity to join the rest of the world and put universal health care in our national values. We might not get the opportunity again.
I think that a good health care fix can be fiscally palatable. Outcomes based reimbursement would make the medical community less stuck in place. And Health IT will surely help, though I have privacy concerns.
I think it will actually happen.
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