Many of us feel impatient that time is not moving fast enough in the transition from Bush and Republican rule -- of failures, scandals, lawlessness and ineptitude -- to the inauguration of the Obama administration. This Quote of the day says it: "Time is that quality of nature which keeps events from happening all at once. Lately it doesn't seem to be working." A lot is happening all at once. Back in early October, George W. Bush admitted he had "a lot of work to do in his last 100 days" before he leaves office, according to CNN. From wondering "What is NorthCom up to*?" asks AfterDowning Street.org regarding yet another "Operation Vigilant Shield," to wondering what will happen to the Republican Party after our current president (OCP) leaves, here are a few of those things to digest.
The World Economic Summit this weekend produced this Financial Times headline: "World leaders unite to restore growth." In the understatement of the year, OCP said,
. . . the meeting was an “important first step” but added that there was more work to be done and “a meeting is not going to solve the world’s problems."
The Wall Street bailout agenda comes first. Naomi Klein, writing at AlterNet, recently called it "Bush's final pillaging" of the treasury. "The scope of the $700 billion bailout continues to widen#," Yahoo! News headlined. And still Bush warns against "aggressive economic regulation," says the Washington Post.
Resisting the rule of law -- Everything is not exactly going his way, however: "Court Smacks Down Bush Administration in White House Emails Case," is the Mother Jones headline. And we are warned that "Bush, out of office, could oppose inquiries,*" in this story from the New York Times.
Election 2008 is over for Republicans -- Ex-presidential candidate, Senator John McCain is meeting today with ex-senator Barack Obama today to decide how they can cooperate on behalf of the country. Rank and file Republicans probably are saying "good riddance." But the party in not rid of its ex-vice-presidential candidate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, who stole the show at the Republican Governors' meeting last week, according to Politico.com.
Rebuilding the Republican Party -- Who will chair the Republican National Committee? The story of the contenders is in Politico.com. Another website, About.com explored the question on everyone's mind, "What's next for the Conservative movement?" "Has there been a Mormon-Evangelical rapprochement*," is the question posed at The Plank/The New Republic. Six ways the GOP can recover and start ruining the world again# (fun,fun) comes via 236 News. And finally the "Secrets of Talk Radio*" are exposed by the Milwaukee Magazine.
It feels wonderful to be able to say "Goodbye to all that."
Hat Tip Key: Regular contributors of links to leads are "betmo*" and Jon#.
View my current slide show about the Bush years -- "Millennium" -- at the bottom of this column.
(Cross-posted at The Reaction.)
My “creativity and dreaming” post today is at Making Good Mondays.
Technorati tags: news news and politics politics republicans presidential transition
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