
S/SW blog philosophy -

I credit favorite writers and public opinion makers.

A lifelong Democrat, my comments on Congress, the judiciary and the presidency are regular features.

My observations and commentary are on people and events in politics that affect the USA or the rest of the world, and stand for the interests of peace, security and justice.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Pounding Palin

Many people worked hard this Labor Day. State officials in Gulf coast bordering states, FEMA officials, television "standing-up-in-the- hurricane" reporters, Republican Convention planners, Louisiana and Texas first responders, and members of the protester movement in Minneapolis. Lots of people no doubt went home tired, and lots of people were out of their homes and really tired. And there was the work of "pounding Palin," by those of us who think her nomination to be Vice-President would be a big mistake for the country.

Here is a roundup of recent items that were circulating in the blogosphere. The links were sent to me by two of my regular contributors, "betmo*" and Jon# respectively.

"Laura Bush warns Dems away from anti-Palin sexism#" --Yahoo! News/ (9/1/08). The First lady pointedly warned Democrats about what they will be allowed to say.

"Palin 'runs for the PTA'.*" from Bob Cesca's blog. The author quoted from a recent People Magazine:

Sen. McCain, of all the candidates you considered, what drew you to her?

JOHN: [snip] She's taken on special interests since she ran for the PTA and the city council and mayor. The courage, I guess, is what most impressed me.

Ran for the PTA? Unless I've missed something here, you don't have to "run" for the PTA. Any . . . overzealous parent can walk in and be a member. Is McCain aware of what the PTA even is?

"A Frank Luntz (AARP) focus group looked at Sarah Palin#" -- Time-Swampland blog story (8/31/08) by Joe Klein. The consensus was an overwhelming thumbs down.

"Sarah Palin's mother-in-law uncertain about how she'll vote#" 8/31/08. BY NANCY DILLON -- "Sarah Palin's hometown rallied around her as mayor - now Republicans wonder if the rest of America will warm up to the surprise pick from cold country."

"Palin the VP Choice#" -- in the Washington Post 8/29/08. An on line discussion with Anchorage AK reporter Greg Erickson, following the McCain announcement.

"Transcript: TIME's interview with Sarah Palin#" -- (Article -- Time's Jay Newton Small interviewed Alaska Governor Sarah Palin by phone on Aug. 14, less than two weeks before her surprise selection as John McCain's running mate.) This interview is perhaps what could have sold Senator McCain on the Governor. She could be a formidable campaigner.

"Palin Served As Director Of 527 Group Called 'Ted Stevens Excellence In Public Service, Inc.'#,"from Think Progress -- In 2003 the "527 group [ ]could raise unlimited funds from corporate donors. The group was designed to serve as a political boot camp for Republican women in the state."

"Mayor faced recall*" from Bluebloggin' -- It seems that citizens thought of recalling Palin in 1997 because she fired the Police Chief and Librarian without cause, "accusing them of not fully supporting her efforts to govern."

The work of "pounding Palin" no doubt will continue. Done by those of us who think her nomination to be Vice-President would be a big mistake for the country, I take Senator Obama's admonition seriously. Yesterday, he said, "Families are off limits." And sexism is also off limits. I hope today's round-up by my contributors and I successfuly avoided both, while making the legitimate case against Palin's candidacy.

Contributors key: *"betmo," and my friend #Jon.

View my current slide show about the Bush years -- "Millennium" -- at the bottom of this column.

My “creativity and dreaming” post today is at Making Good Mondays.

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