. . . I stopped off to glance at the news on the net. There were a few unsettling items I want to share so you can become unsettled, too. Remember that we are all in this thing together. What we are in is a deadly war in Iraq, that shows no signs of ending. We are in a fight over civil liberties where far too many Democrats are failing to uphold the Constitution on our behalf.
The Reaction -- "Just call it war," by Capt. Fogg. This searing essay is a magnificent piece of writing, a must for anyone against the war in Iraq. It comes out of Memeorandum's link to "Disturbing New Photos from Abu Ghraib.
The Dishpan Chronicles -- "Inspired by Bertholt Brecht" is the title chosen by blogger Kitchen Window Woman. Brecht's poem, "From a German War Primer," is her feature. It is another must, one of the best poems on war you could read, and particularly apt regarding Iraq.
TPM Muckraker -- 5:04 PM ET "Republicans Attend Surveillance Bill Meeting... But Progress Unclear." Paul Kiel has some questions, "A breakthrough of bipartisan comity? A joining of hands? A ray of hope?" Don't bet on it. Senator Kit Bond is as obdurate as ever.
Emptywheel -- "It's all about $$$." To quote: "It's pretty clear the fight over telecom immunity and FISA is about the money." That the Constitutional right of citizens to have privacy and not be subjected to unreasonable searches, could be subverted for this venal purpose, is another new shocker.
Project Lucidity -- an interesting forum with some rich discussions that focus on some disturbing issues,
- such as this one: "Pro-torture Lieberman,"
- and a bit more recently, this one: "Thoughts on the newest Danish cartoon row."
- This thread is a valuable resource on the current FISA bill so much in the news -- Re: Excerpts: John Conyers on FISA, plus one Shelia Jackson-Lee.
View my current slide show about the Bush years, "Millennium," at the bottom of this column. I put it together on another day when I was feeling particularly unsettled. Similar to today, I needed to "get it out there."
My links:
(Cross-posted at The Reaction.)
My “creativity and dreaming” post today is a poem on neglect at Making Good Mondays.
Technorati tags: news news and politics politics iraq bush war
I stopped off to glance at the news on the net. There were a few unsettling items I want to share so you can become unsettled, too. Remember that we are all in this thing together. What we are in is a deadly war in Iraq, that shows no signs of ending. We are in a fight over civil liberties where far too many Democrats are failing to uphold the Constitution on our behalf.
Gee, thanks, sweetheart!:) I was so settled.:P One more war is about to start, now that Bush forced another voice of opposition out the door.
You're welcome, my friend!
Fallon's resignation, "in a tiff over an Esquire interview" was the longest stretch of credulity I have seen in a while. I wish everyone had been able to say what I suspect is the truth of this -- he has a stomach ache from all he has had to swallow over these past few months.
I am not optimistic about the possibilities, either. But I am more optimistic about the future than I was when I wrote this post, at least.
Thanks for your comment. Join me in upset anytime!
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