Blogging on the Internet - As a relatively new blogger I sometimes seek advice about blogging from those who know more about it than I do. For example, I get a regular e-mail newsletter from Sheila Ann Manuel Coggins at About.com. I liked her recent one on "Top 10 Tips on Promoting Your Blog."
The questions - It prompted me to question myself about the quality of my blogging. Am I serving my readers as well as I can? Or am I just going in the direction of my own whims?
About my recent blogs and comments - I asked myself,
- What is the pattern of my recent blog topics? About what topics have I been consistently writing?
- Have I paid enough attention to quality and readability? AM I following my own rules?
- Have I been a responsible member of the blogging community?
Quality check: For the most part the answers are affirmative to these questions I asked myself: Is the spelling correct? Are the links approtriate and correct? Am I meeting my blogging purpose; and do I write about what I love to an audience I understand and respect? Is the post distinctive and easy to read? Source citations: Rebecca's Pocket, John Hawkins.
Community membership: My "communities" include Democrats, Progressives, Centrists, actists, writers, educators, women, news junkies, people living in the Southwest U.S., people interested in foreign affairs, and international readers. After having been AWOL as a commenter on other blogs (for the most part since May or so), I have now returned to that privilege and responsibility.
"South by Southwest" stats: Skip this part if you choose because this is probably TMI about my site, which I called a Little Blog in my 6/10/06 post. But here goes anyway:
- The site usually gets a couple of dozen visitors or so, according to my SiteMeter, several of them "regulars."
- I rarely have anyone leave a comment at S/SW. I usually leave a couple of comments every few days on other blogs.
- My Technorati stats include these: I am linked (93 times) on 20 other sites. The rank is at 161,115.
- Googling CarolGee "South by Southwest" yields 215 results.
Tags: blogging commentary diary writing
My "creative post" today at Southwest Blogger is about my dusty old computer.
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