
S/SW blog philosophy -

I credit favorite writers and public opinion makers.

A lifelong Democrat, my comments on Congress, the judiciary and the presidency are regular features.

My observations and commentary are on people and events in politics that affect the USA or the rest of the world, and stand for the interests of peace, security and justice.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Senators voting "no" to war in Iraq-2002

The Senate story on the vote in November of 2002 on going to war in Iraq was not easy to find.
But, since I have been posting frequently on the subject of leadership, remember these names.
(The full story on this resolution is title linked above).

I quote from the post where I found this list:

"Voting 'no' were 21 Democrats, one Republican and one independent.

Democrats No:
Akaka, Hawaii; Bingaman, N.M.; Boxer, Calif; Byrd, W.Va.; Conrad, N.D.;
Corzine, N.J.; Dayton, Minn.; Durbin, Ill.; Feingold, Wis; Graham, Fla.; Inouye, Hawaii; Kennedy, Mass.; Leahy, Vt.; Levin, Mich.; Mikulski, Md.; Murray, Wash.; Reed, R.I.; Sarbanes, Md.; Stabenow, Mich.; Wellstone, Minn.; Wyden, Ore.

Republicans No:
Chafee, R.I.;

Others No:
Jeffords, Vt. "

These Leader-Senators should be given credit once again in 2005 for doing what we now wish many more had done. These twenty-three brave souls voted against allowing our current president to go to war in Iraq. Bravo!
Note that several are no longer in the Senate, namely Corzine (running for governor in New Jersey, Graham (retired), and (sadly) Paul Wellstone (deceased).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Paul Wellstone may have passed away, but his spirit lives on - most visibly through Wellstone Action.

Anyone who wants to see "Wellstonian" progressive politics continue can contribute or get involved at