
S/SW blog philosophy -

I credit favorite writers and public opinion makers.

A lifelong Democrat, my comments on Congress, the judiciary and the presidency are regular features.

My observations and commentary are on people and events in politics that affect the USA or the rest of the world, and stand for the interests of peace, security and justice.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Several Ways to Refresh Writing

These past few weeks have proven to be a big challenge to blog writers, me included. If we lived anywhere near the Gulf Coast, posting at all sometimes prooved to be too difficult. For some, the winds and water were winning foes over the keyboard, at least for a time. Fear for life and limb won over writing, as it should. I have visited my linked sites each day, checking to see what was happening with them. Some have not posted for days, and I sent thoughts their way each time, hoping they are safe.
For the rest of us who were not in danger, being able to say anything at all became the challenge. What could any of us - small individuals in a community of millions affected - offer that would make any sense? But feelings have been strong enough to overcome that reluctance, and we wrote anyway. For those removed by geographical distance but close in concern and empathy, their writings have been welcome. For those writing from their regular worlds, their posts provided warm reminders of caring and engaged individuals with words and style I have come to cherish. Reading their posts gave me known and predictable touchstones of normalcy that were indeed salutory, comforting.
Blogging is relatively new for me. I have had to feel my way in sometimes dark places. Sometimes my internal electricity goes off. Sometimes I lose my direction when I cannot see the sun. At times during the worst of the hurricanes, waves of feeling over-topped my levees, and my tears spilled out.
But somehow through it all writing proved to be a salvation to me, whether anyone reads or comments at all. It is my way way of making sense of this nonsensical world. Here are a few links to women writers who have been helpful to my writing, and interesting reads, as well.
At Doctor D's Domain, Lorianne posts an excellent short article on the direct approach to writing, giving advice to her students, but shared with all of us.
Jessica Ramirez, on an page, gives "Top 10 Ways to Find Story Ideas." has several excellent pages on writing. You can do a "writing" search or look on their Channels list.
Angela Booth's blogpost of September 23, advises that meeting your writing deadlines is an important aspect to good writing.
Georganna Hancock, at Writer's Edge, on September 24, shares an interesting "idea generator."
Maud Newton is a wonderful writer, and has a resource rich page On writing.

1 comment:

Georganna Hancock M.S. said...

Thank you for the enormous compliment! I hope you find more useful material in the Writer's Edge blog--that's why it exists. Keep up the good work.