
S/SW blog philosophy -

I credit favorite writers and public opinion makers.

A lifelong Democrat, my comments on Congress, the judiciary and the presidency are regular features.

My observations and commentary are on people and events in politics that affect the USA or the rest of the world, and stand for the interests of peace, security and justice.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Questions of Irrelevancy

Who is in the lead? There have been a few days recently when the Technorati tag, "bush," was not on the website's "Top 100" list. But he is back up there today. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? For recent brief periods bloggers using the Technorati tagging sustem were not focused on our current president (OCP). But today's headlines are again carrying his name:

Has he become irrelevant? I have such mixed feelings about the word "irrelevant" being applied to OCP/POTUS. Somehow it does not seem like a good thing in principle for the head of a leading nation of the world to become irrelevant. On the other hand, as the influence and power of OCP wanes, other leaders can step in and perhaps force OCP to behave differently.

Bush behavior changed? Has that already happened? The headlines above indicate that OCP is not doing anything about the war in Iraq. He says he is making progress on making a plan and that he is considering more troops. But we have seen no change in course in the Iraq war since the Democrats won in November. The only change has been the occupant of the front office at the Pentagon. It now seems up to Secretary Gates to force OCP to behave differently. I am not holding my breath waiting for that to happen.

Technorati tags:
My "creative post" today at Southwest Blogger is about the polar ice cap.

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